The thing about about me, myself and retiring along the way.

Jay Mavani
3 min readMay 9, 2023


The significance of regular breaks in cultivating happiness.

We’ve all heard the conventional wisdom that you should work hard all your life and only retire when you’re really old.

However, what if I told you that there’s a better way to approach your career? What if you could retire along the way, taking regular breaks to travel, learn new skills, and recharge your batteries?

That’s exactly what I’ve done throughout my career.

Nearly every 3 years or so, I take a year off as a sabbatical. During this time, I travel to new places, immerse myself in new cultures, and learn new skills.

People often think that taking such breaks during your career will hurt your growth and progress, but that’s not been the case for me. In fact, I believe that taking regular sabbaticals has been key to my success and happiness.

One of the biggest benefits of retiring along the way is that it gives you a chance to recharge your batteries. When you’re working hard, it’s easy to get burned out.

Taking a year off to travel and explore new things can help you feel refreshed and re-energized. When you return to work, you’ll have a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.

Another benefit of retiring along the way is that it gives you the opportunity to learn new skills. When you take a sabbatical, you can use that time to explore new hobbies, attend workshops and courses, or take up a new sport.

By learning new skills, you can become a more well-rounded and interesting person. Plus, when you return to work, you’ll have a fresh perspective and new ideas that can help you succeed.

Finally, taking regular sabbaticals can help you gain a new perspective on life.

When you travel to new places and immerse yourself in different cultures, you’ll see the world in a whole new light. You’ll be exposed to new ideas and different ways of thinking, which can help you become more open-minded and accepting of others.

In conclusion, I strongly believe in the concept of retiring along the way.

By taking regular breaks during your career, you can recharge your batteries, learn new skills, and gain a new perspective on life.

Don’t wait until you’re old and grey to start enjoying life.

Start retiring along the way and you’ll be surprised at how much happier and fulfilled you’ll feel.

Or at least this is what I seem to be telling myself.

Legend has it that once upon a time, Jay was a creative-director with an inquisitive mind, positioned somewhere between a strategist and a designer.

After immersing himself in the world of marketing + advertising for numerous years, he now returns to the core of his creative odyssey — graphic design, visual arts, and creative writing.

From always trying something new to occasionally making photos “speak”, he’s known to express his passion for problem-solving, creativity, philosophy and humour by playing with various canvases.

To know more about Jay, you can follow him on Twitter, Medium and LinkedIn.



Jay Mavani

Jay Mavani (aka jaymavs) loves to express his passion for problem-solving, creativity, philosophy and humour by playing with various canvases.