This story is no longer available.

Jay Mavani
3 min readOct 18, 2023


The unheard stories — the privilege of sharing.

In the age of insta-information and global connectivity, the phrase “This story is no longer available” takes on a deeper, more touching meaning.

While it often pertains to unavailable content on Instagram, it serves as a stark reminder of the countless untold narratives in regions plagued by terrorism and war.

It also underscores the stark contrast between those of us fortunate enough to enjoy the freedom to share our thoughts and experiences on social media and those who are silenced by the horrors of conflict.

The world is a stage, and each of us is a storyteller in our own right.

However, many individuals in conflict-ridden areas find their stories silenced, their voices stifled, and their narratives overshadowed by the loud noise of destruction.

In the face of unspeakable tragedy and adversity, they become victims not only of violence but also of misinformation and information blackout.

For those of us who are privileged to live in stable regions, it can be easy to underestimate the power of freely expressing our thoughts, opinions, and experiences on social media platforms.

Our ability to share our perspectives, connect with others, and influence public discourse stems from a place of privilege — a privilege often taken for granted.

In such environments, where our personal security is relatively assured, we can engage in discussions, advocate for causes, and raise awareness about issues close to our hearts.

We debate, we criticize, and we challenge the status quo, all while enjoying the luxury of safety.

Conversely, in regions marred by terrorism and war, such liberties are a distant dream.

These individuals face daily threats to their lives and well-being, with the constant fear of violence and persecution. In such environments, their stories go unheard and their voices remain muffled.

This stark dichotomy between those who can express themselves and those who cannot is a poignant reminder of the privilege we often overlook.

It should prompt us to exercise our freedom of expression with a sense of responsibility, empathy, and a commitment to advocating for those who cannot.

While it is true that social media and the internet have connected us like never before, they have also revealed the vast disparities in privilege across the globe.

“This story is no longer available” should serve as a poignant symbol of our shared humanity.

It is a reminder that the stories we tell and the voices we amplify should extend beyond our own experiences.

We should be the storytellers not only for ourselves but also for those who are silenced by conflict, war, and terrorism.

As we navigate the digital age, it is imperative that we recognize our privilege, express our empathy, and work toward a world where everyone’s story is available, heard, and respected.

Only then can we begin to bridge the gap between the fortunate and the forgotten, and ensure that all voices, regardless of their origins, are given the chance to be heard.

Legend has it that once upon a time, Jay was a creative + marketing director with an inquisitive mind, positioned somewhere between a strategist, designer and a writer.

After immersing himself in the world of marketing + advertising for numerous years, he now returns to the core of his creative odyssey — graphic design, visual arts, and creative writing.

From always trying something new to occasionally making photos “speak”, he’s known to express his passion for problem-solving, creativity, philosophy and humour by playing with various canvases.

To know more about Jay, you can follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.



Jay Mavani

Jay Mavani (aka jaymavs) loves to express his passion for problem-solving, creativity, philosophy and humour by playing with various canvases.